5 Advantages of Student-Centered Learning Approach

There are many approaches to teaching and learning. However, the student-centered learning approach is superior because it can apply to all subject areas, both inside and outside the classroom. In this article, you’ll learn how student-centered learning emphasizes the holistic growth of students from elementary to high school and even into college and beyond! These tips will apply to students at all levels.

  • Fosters Collaboration

Students love to share their thoughts and opinions, especially when learning. In a student-centered classroom, students collaborate throughout each lesson. Thus, student-centered learning gives learners confidence in their ability to take an active role in their education. The student-centered learning approach fosters collaboration through group work, clubs, and extracurricular activities. A student-centered learning approach fosters collaboration which helps students develop interpersonal skills that can translate into success after graduation.

On the other hand, a one-to-one high school setting enables students to interact with their teacher or instructor during these problem-solving activities. It allows them to work through solutions at their own pace without peers’ frustration or pressure. Students also benefit from private one-on-one time as it improves communication between them and instructors, which builds trust and rapport between them.

  • Encourages Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

In a student-centered approach, teachers are facilitators, asking questions and modeling good learning practices. Their goal is to help students think critically and solve problems independently rather than passing out worksheets or lectures. The approach encourages students to question how they learn best. The more learners come up with their conclusions while under guidance, the better equipped they become to tackle future challenges in life.

Students are encouraged to take the initiative and solve problems in student-centered classrooms. When dealing with a challenging scenario, they have to use their logic and creativity to think outside of the box. They learn more because they’re engaged in a process that requires critical thinking skills. The approach teaches learners how to navigate difficulties without giving them all the answers upfront- skills students need when entering real-world situations.

  • Helps Build Character

Because student-centered learning makes students responsible for their knowledge, they learn to take ownership of their education and become more motivated about what they’re studying. They also understand how much time and effort it takes to succeed in school, which helps build their character as learners and prepares them for future academic and professional challenges. The student-centered learning approach allows learners to develop into successful scholars who can take on any challenge with ease and at the same time learn how to take criticism.

Teachers need to give students plenty of time to ponder solutions before offering input on possible solutions. Students who develop personal responsibility and decision-making skills tend to become more autonomous in adulthood than those who do not experience decision-making in school. Research shows that such skills often influence college grades and workplace productivity years after graduation from high school.

  • Student-Centered Teaching Model Has High Retention Rate

Research has shown that applying a student-centered teaching model can significantly improve the overall retention rate by 20%. In other words, if your class has 50 students, then employing an SCT approach will increase your retention rate from 80% to 100%. Moreover, it encourages active participation from learners through peer feedback and evaluation from peers. As such, you’ll have more engaged pupils with determination to do well.

In a traditional, teacher-centered teaching model, students passively consume information from their teachers. But with a student-centered approach to education, students are engaged and encouraged to contribute. As a result, students are actively involved in their learning process, strengthening their retention rate and making them better learners overall. Consequently, learners tend to develop a sense of ownership over what they’ve learned. They feel like they earned it and will take ownership of it as they progress through life.

  • Helps Learners Build Emotional Intelligence

The student-centered learning approach emphasizes self-determination and builds emotional intelligence in students. Emotional intelligence is one’s ability to recognize, understand, and manage the emotions of oneself, others, and groups. Emotional intelligence is crucial in a learning environment and later in life as it helps learners develop a sense of social responsibility, empathy for others, and good relationships with them.

These are invaluable traits for personal growth and professional development in an increasingly complex workplace where collaboration among employees, partners, and clients is crucial to success. An awareness of their own emotions and others develops sensitivity to problems while working towards solutions. Since learners are part of a community, they can make decisions and solve problems. Thus, the method gives learners a chance to learn what works and what doesn’t work, allowing them to gain valuable insights into their personalities that they can use when working with others later in life.


Student-centered learning allows for a more personalized experience for each student. The method gives learners a chance to learn what works and what doesn’t work, allowing them to gain valuable insights into their personalities that they can use when working with others later in life. Teachers can ensure that each student has a better grasp of concepts while still giving all students enough freedom to learn in their way. However, freedom comes with responsibility which means both students and teachers are accountable for their actions. You can contact Lydian Academy for a student-focused learning and personalized education approach that ensures high-quality education.

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